About FASD Halton

HALTON FASD COLLABORATIVE MISSION: We work together to prevent FASD and promote a system of care for the well-being of individuals at-risk or with FASD.

Structure of Halton FASD Collaborative

Community agencies sign a memorandum of understanding outlining their commitment to the Halton FASD Collaborative.  Within the Collaborative, there is an Advisory Committee, an Assessment and Diagnostic Team, a Resource Team, and Caregiver Support Groups.

Through the collective efforts of community partners, we respond to the evolving needs of individuals at risk of or with FASD and their families in our region by championing system change through the following structures below: 

With the support of ROCK as the host agency for funding staffing positions (i.e. FASD Program Manager and/or FASD Consultant) to support work of both the Assessment and Diagnostic Team, and Resource Team.

The Advisory Committee

The Halton FASD Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity in the following areas:

  • Co-ordinating advocacy regarding FASD planning & priorities 
  • Leveraging opportunities for funding of collaborative projects/enhancements
  • Leveraging community partnerships to support sustainability of Halton FASD Assessment and Diagnostic Team and Halton FASD Resource Team and the Halton FASD Parent/Caregiver Support Groups
  • Affirming the goals and implementation of the workplan by the Halton FASD Resource Team
  • Identifying and responding to emerging needs in the community and elevate needs to provincial working groups as appropriate.
  • Organization delegates have the ability to provide input to the Advisory Committee representing their organization’s interests and perspective and will liaise within their own organization as required.

FASD Assessment and Diagnostic Team

The FASD Assessment & Diagnostic Team provides monthly Diagnostic Assessments to residents of Halton up to the age of 25. The team will provide full assessments and offer recommendations to individuals assessed.  The work of the Assessment and Diagnostic Team is supported by some funding from the Ministry of Health and the in-kind contribution of its members.

FASD Resource Team

The Halton FASD Resource Team is composed of professionals from various disciplines and agencies. Members of the team are trained in a Community of Practice (CoP) Model, which is designed to enhance participants’ knowledge and skills regarding FASD and to build capacity to serve those living with FASD in Halton.                                                       

The FASD Resource Team provides community-based training regarding FASD and how best to support individuals living with FASD in our community.  The team facilitates case conferences to individuals providing services to Halton children, youth, and adults affected by FASD.  

Halton FASD Advisory Co-Chairs

Sue Brooks

Co-Chair – Halton FASD Collaborative
ROCK Reach Out Centre for Kids

Denise Kolleed

Co-Chair – Halton FASD Collaborative
Halton Catholic District School Board
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