Resources & Tools
Community Programs
ROCK – FASD Services
- FASD Consultants provide consultation, coaching, education, training and service coordination to families, caregivers & professionals who are supporting individuals (up to age 18 or 21 if registered in school) with suspected or diagnosed FASD.
- FASD Diagnostic Clinic: FASD assessment services are also available for children and youth age 2 to 25. The Assessment Team provides multi-disciplinary assessments, recommendations, and assistance with referrals to appropriate community programs. Assessment services are offered in partnership with the Halton FASD Collaborative.
For access to ROCK services please call the Access Line @ 289-266-0036 –

Camp Unity Halton
Camp Unity Halton offers a supportive and engaging learning environment for children/youth aged 8-15 years old with or may have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Camp Unity is a partnership with the Halton Catholic District School Board, Community Living North Halton, Halton Region – Children Services, Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Halton Children’s Aid Society and ROCK.

Halton Region Children’s Services
HRCS programs support child development. All programs use an FASD framework.
- Infant and Child Development Services (birth – 5 years) provides supports for babies born prematurely or prenatally exposed to substances, children with a special needs diagnosis or concerns related to their development.
- Inclusion Services (birth-12 years), works with educators in licensed child care centres, licensed home care, or before and after school programs to support children with a special needs diagnosis or a developmental concern.
- Family and Community Behavioural Services (2-21 years), provides support to children or youth with a special needs diagnosis or possible or confirmed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and a behavioural concern (not including Autism Spectrum Disorder).
For more information, including eligibility criteria, please visit Children’s Developmental Services, or call 311.

Support House
Support House is values-based – establishing connection, putting people first, encouraging wellness, and seeking engagement – and we are guided by best practices in harm reduction, housing-first, trauma-informed, psychological, and physical health and safety principles.
Support House’s Youth FASD program supports youth between the ages of 16-24 diagnosed or queried to have FASD with system navigation, activities of daily living, housing and mental health and/or addiction needs.
For more information or to request a referral form, please contact

Halton ADAPT
Our Transitional Aged Outreach team offers case management and support for youth aged 16-24 with or without a diagnosis of FASD who need extra support in their life. The program provides a case manager that can give active outreach support to assist young adults, with or without mental health concerns, in overcoming homelessness, unemployment, and other challenges in the Halton Region and assist in building a network of supports for the individual. Our workers have flexible schedules to accommodate client needs.
For more information please contact or

Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) & Halton District School Board (HDSB)
Both school boards have a tiered model of support for students with FASD that includes awareness presentations, education focussed training, consultation and coaching and are co-ordinated by the FASD Lead.
In the HCDSB support for students is accessed through the Special Education Resource Teacher and Special Education Consultant.

Support Groups
Halton Adult FASD Parent/Caregiver Support Group
If you are a parent or caregiver of/or an Adult living with FASD please come share your experiences, wisdom and knowledge. This is a great opportunity for us all to learn from one another.
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month
6:30pm – 9:00pm
Contact Information:
Chair: Brenda Pinkus
For more information:
Visit us on Facebook:

FASD Ontario – Health Nexus
FASD Ontario, a source of accurate, up-to-date Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) information for Ontario. This website will help you find the closest available services and supports, discover a variety of resources and training, and become aware of the latest FASD related news and events.
For more information visit FASD Ontario:

Justice and the Legal System
Individuals with FASD may be at higher risk of coming into contact with the justice and legal system. Learn more about how to support individuals should this happen. Below are some recommended resources:
- FASD JUSTICE – This site is designed for justice system professionals and others who want to understand more about FASD. It provides information and resources about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), including background information, case law, legal resources and strategies for effective intervention.
- FASD Ontario – This site provides research evidence about why youth with FASD are likely to become involved with the justice system, accommodations that service providers and families need to make, helpful supports, and innovative programs/services.
Halton Vulnerable Persons Registry
The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) Vulnerable Person Registry is a service that allows a family member or caregiver to provide information to police about a person, which can help during an emergency. Details such as physical description, habits, or specific needs can help police in locating or interacting with the person.
Websites – The Canada Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Research Network (CanFASD) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary research network, with collaborators, researchers and partners across the nation. It is Canada’s first comprehensive national Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) research network. – Up-to-date FASD information for families and caregivers in Ontario. Visit the FASD/TSAF website for services and supports, virtual trainings and latest FASD related news and events.
Printable Materials
Hands, not Hurdles: Helping Children with FASD and their Families
Towards Healthy Outcomes – A Framework for Integrated Community Intervention